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Do not expect good KYC information from Ecuadorian media!

Ken Rijock, Clearview Publishing, Consultant, Miami, 13 February 2014


The Government of Ecuador is using various tactics to obfuscate the truth; this is bad for KYC.

If you are conducting Due Diligence investigations on Ecuadorian companies or individuals for 'customer due diligence' purposes, you should not rely upon anything from the country's media. The Government of Ecuador has been persecuting independent and opposition media by pressing bogus criminal charges and appointing a so-called watchdog group, whose obvious aim is to shut down any investigative reporting on government activities.

The Correa regime's policy is to establish a strong government-controlled media, and to accuse those who publish any dissenting views of criminal activities. The other ploy in use is to link Ecuadorian groups who contest government policies with the US Central Intelligence Agency, or other US Government influence, and play upon the Anti-American sentiment that suffuses the whole of South America.

In short, the time has come to discount all open-source Ecuadorian media, as most of it parrots the government position and artfully conceals relevant negative information. If you must acquire information on Ecuadorian targets, it is recommended that you deploy investigators, a trend among banks that is growing.

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