M and A
GUEST COMMENT: What Are The Ingredients For A Successful Wealth Management M&A Deal?

How can acquiring firms increase the chance of success in an M&A deal in terms of adding long-term value? With so many deals going through, it is time to take stock.
There has been a great deal of merger and acquisition
activity in the world's wealth management and private banking
sectors in recent years. Recently, for example, Barclays sold its
Hong Kong and Singapore private bank to OCBC; Societe Generale
has sold its private bank in Asia to Singapore-listed DBS, while
in Europe, Royal Bank of Canada sold its Swiss private bank to
Banque SYZ. Luxembourg-headquartered Banque Havilland has bought
Switzerland's Banque Pasch; last year, Union Banque Privee, the
Geneva-headquartered bank, bought private banking businesses in
Asia and Zurich from Coutts. Some of these marriages and divorces
are driven by a desire for economies of scale in an increasingly
costly, rule-bound industry and some are caused by a desire to
consolidate booking centres, reduce regulatory risk and
M&A deals can go wrong and there is a risk of unhappy
marriages or regret in a break-up; some clients can be left
unhappy at a deal and change banks; talented RMs who find their
new masters not so congenial can get up and leave. The corporate
takeover world is mindful of the statement that many deals
destroy, rather than add, to shareholder value in the
medium term.
So what makes for a successful, credible deal? In this article,
Jacqueline Teoh and Amar Bisht, of Orbium, a technology and
business consultancy, examine the terrain and provide some
answers. The authors have worked across the world, so their views
should resonate with readers in Europe, North America, Asia and
elsewhere. The editors of this publication are pleased to share
these insights and invite readers to respond.
Consolidation in private banking has recently led several players
to vastly scale back operations and, in some cases,
completely exit the industry. This consolidation has in turn
offered opportunities for remaining players to strengthen their
positions and increase their assets under management through
mergers and acquisitions deals. Growing AuM organically is
becoming increasingly challenging as the traditional practice of
hiring seasoned private bankers from competitors slows down
significantly. This is mainly due to the reluctance of private
bankers to move firms given the increasing regulatory and
compliance barriers in place to take their clients with them. In
this "new normal", acquisitions are increasingly becoming the
preferred option to grow AuM. The ultimate prize in these deals
is the ability for banks to increase margins and economies of
scale, enter new markets, reduce cost-to-income ratios, and
enhance their range of products and services.
We have identified three main factors that successful acquirers
have in common when executing M&A deals in private banking.
We have also identified areas of attention for future acquirers
to ensure that full value is being extracted from increasingly
complex deals which often span multiple jurisdictions. Several
industry studies have shown that not everyone is getting the
intended benefits of M&A deals.
Based on our experience in Asia and Europe, we have observed that
the following three factors are common in successful M&A
(1) Customer focus
In executing an integration project, even while grappling with IT
systems, processes and people, banks must put customers first.
Mergers are known to increase the risk that clients will either
exit the banking relationship or reduce their share of
wallet. Through our engagements, we have seen the best
integrators adopt a focused customer centric mindset from the
outset. The bar is set very high for customer retention and deal
models often include significant incentives to ensure high client
retention rates.
Among the steps taken to increase customer retention are early
meetings with top-tier clients by senior management to show
commitment, proactive communication and the strengths of the
acquiring firm. At every stage of the integration process, banks
have to ensure that the customer experience is carefully
nurtured. Examples of this nurturing include seamless transfer of
accounts and even abandoning legacy support processes to enhance
the overall customer experience. Recent examples include the
set-up of a dedicated call center to help clients initiate their
e-banking accounts during the migration process. Another
illustration of client focus is the creation of customised "day
one" welcome packs for transitioning clients to ensure a
positive client experience.
(2) Leadership
Building a solid integration team with a motivated leader is
critical to the success of the project. Integration is often seen
as a career-accelerator and can be attractive for talented
individuals looking to move up within the organisation. Although
finding the right person to lead such mission critical projects
can be challenging, if done successfully, it can be a game
changer. The ideal candidate must be able to lead teams across
multiple functions within both organisations to manage a highly
visible, complex and time critical integration project.
Integration leads are expected to make rapid decisions including
identifying and retaining the best talent from the acquired bank
in order to reduce uncertainty. Lack of clarity on how the future
organisation will be staffed is often cited as the reason top
talent exits a bank in the midst of integration. Retention
failures can have dire consequences as one industry player
learned when they failed to retain a reputed CIO who did not see
a position in the future organisation.
Despite the challenges, if a team and leader have successfully
delivered, they are usually well positioned to repeat the
exercise and build on their integration experience. This practice
has been noted as several banks have become repeat acquirers.
Making periodic acquisitions is helping these leaders to develop
best practices and execute repeat deals faster and with much
better results. Repeat acquirers are able to leverage an internal
learning system for their leaders and convert it into a huge
differentiating factor when it comes to successfully executing
M&A deals.
(3) Culture
At the end of the day, M&A deals are the successful adoption
and integration of two company cultures. Building a uniform
culture and reinforcing the values, beliefs and behaviours that
determine how people do things in an organisation can ease the
integration process and help deliver long-term value. Often the
culture of an organisation can be defined in two aspects.
Firstly, there is the visible aspect, which is demonstrated by
how employees interact with each other.
Then there is the true essence of culture that is evidenced by
management practices and how banks get things done. For a
successful integration, the acquirer must quickly understand the
culture of the target bank, diagnose the differences that matter
and start shaping it right from the integration planning phase.
Diagnostics using a range of tools can help identify and measure
the differences among people, units, geographical regions and
functions. They can also help the acquirer determine which gaps
need to be closed. For example, a bank reputed for rapid decision
making and a can-do attitude showcased this approach from the
integration planning stage both through interactions and
The work-stream leads reinforced this behaviour in their
interactions with the target bank and tackled differences head-on
to accelerate the process of cultural integration.
There have also been some cases of less successful integrations
due to insufficient focus on the regulatory aspects and
governance of the deal, and this has in turn led to significant
cost over-runs and often reputational hits. Areas of focus for
future acquirers are the following:
Complex multi-jurisdiction regulatory
Recently there has been a flurry of multi-jurisdictional deals
driven by the need to increase geographic scope to new markets
and client segments. Such acquisitions place the acquiring
private banks right in the middle of challenging regulatory
frameworks often without in-depth knowledge of the practices in
those markets. Ability to rapidly put in place a compliance
framework that addresses the regulatory requirements from all
local jurisdictions while adhering to cross-border guidelines is
a must. There is a tendency to underestimate the effort and
costs involved in rapidly developing and adopting a compliance
framework that is fully integrated with the bank’s risk view and
in line with local regulatory requirements.
While banking confidentiality laws and regulations may pose
potential complication to due diligence, banks should endeavour
to benchmark a target’s regulatory risk framework to their own
and industry best practices. Post-merger or acquisition, a bank
has to demonstrate its ability to maintain appropriate
governance, management oversight, and internal control and
risk-management systems. This has to be undertaken rapidly to
monitor and limit risk exposure at the start of merged business
Continuous improvement
Finally, and most importantly, banks must also look upon
acquisitions as an opportunity to re-organise and optimise their
operating models and processes. An integration is a daunting
exercise and banks often adopt what appears to be the easier
option of introducing manual workarounds to facilitate the
integration process. With time, manual processes become part of
standard operating procedures and expose the bank to regulatory
Banks also tend to discard the processes of the acquired bank,
often missing out on the opportunity to address areas of
identified weaknesses within their own organisation. The
integration process brings with it the natural opportunity to
improve. For example, a private bank adopted the credit processes
of the acquired bank and also gave the overall responsibility for
the merged department to a top talent from the acquired bank.
M&A in private banking will only increase as the race for
scale intensifies. A poorly executed M&A transaction destroys
shareholder value and makes the bank wary of further
acquisitions. In a fiercely competitive industry, there are no
second prizes for poorly executed M&A deals.
About the authors
Jacqueline Teoh is the head of business consulting (APAC) with
Orbium. Prior to joining Orbium, she was a director at PwC, head
of core banking for Switzerland and an associate partner at IBM
Global Business Services, based in Geneva for 18 years. Amar
Bisht is responsible for wealth strategy and advisory at Orbium,
Business Consulting Services. He has lived and worked in
Singapore, Hong Kong and the US. Prior to joining Orbium, he
worked in the private banking industry in Asia-Pacific.