Alt Investments
Japan's VC Sector Gathers Momentum

While Silicon Valley has hogged much of the limelight in VC, Japan's much smaller sector hasn't enjoyed the same kind of attention, but reforms and other changes mean that this obscurity is fading, an investment firm says.
There’s been plenty of commentary (here
here) over the past 12 months about how Japanese equities
have awoken from a decades-long slumber. Corporate governance
reforms to unlock shareholder value and put cash to work, for
example, are cited as positive forces in the world’s
third-largest economy.
But given a secular global trend towards more private market
investing, how does an investor plug into opportunities for
non-listed firms in the Asian nation? MCP, founded in 1999 under its old
brand of Millennium Corporate Partners, reckons it is well placed
to answer that question.
“People have started to look at Japan from a private markets
perspective,” Kei Yamashita (pictured), chief investment officer,
managing director, head of venture capital and private equity
investment, MCP Alternative Asset Partners, told this news
service in a recent call. “We think private markets,
particularly venture markets, are witnessing an inflection
The firm manages about $2.5 billion, mainly for Japanese
institutional investors including major banks, insurers, pension
funds and university endowments. Last Friday, MCP announced
that LPS, a Japanese limited partnership that it manages, had
come to a second closing, receiving new investments from
Development Bank of Japan and Amita Holdings. The fund was
established in March last year. It invests in mid-stage and
later-stage startups.
“People, even those close to Japan, never think that the venture
ecosystem exists in Japan. They just assume that it is an ageing
country with no focus on startups,” Yamashita, who is based in
Tokyo and at the firm since 2022, said. “Contrary to stereotypes,
people have moved into the venture space which is well supported
by the government; they know that without growth in this industry
there is no growth in Japan.”
Ever since the government led by the late Shinzo Abe began in
late 2012, one of its policy elements was addressing corporate
governance and supply-side reform. In simple terms, they were
designed to make it easier for shareholders to wring more value
from businesses often hobbled by crossholdings and restrictions,
creating a situation in which, after three decades of ultra-low
interest rates, firms were flush with cash. And while some of the
focus on change has applied to listed firms, the reform programme
also took heed of the role that startups and venture-backed
businesses could make in reviving Japan’s economic fortunes.
Silicon Valley’s successes have bred imitators.
According to data from the Japanese Venture Capital Association,
in a report published in September 2023, the sizes of VC funds
and investment from institutional players has risen 10 times over
the past decade. Total funds raised in Japan by VCs stood at
¥616.5 billion ($4.16 billion) in 2022, with assets under
management in the space rising 12 per cent from 2013. Japanese VC
funds with a 2012 vintage have clocked up distributions to
paid-in capital (DPI) of 323.6 per cent, way ahead of 132.7 per
cent for North American funds of that year, and 165 per cent for
Europe. For 2014 vintages, North America (115.9 per cent) has an
edge on Japan, however, at 98.3 per cent, but the gap certainly
isn’t particularly large. And while the past couple of years have
seen startup investing in North America and Europe hit by rising
interest rates, that’s not the case in Japan. In 2022, the last
year for which full data is available, Japanese startup funding
rose to ¥877 billion, from ¥851 billion a year earlier; the rate
has risen 29 per cent since 2013.
Entities such as Japan’s TSE Growth Market have enabled the
country’s VC sector to clock up a robust DPI result, MCP
Rising trend
June last year, research firm Preqin said that total
private equity deal value has already reached $20.7 billion in
All this ferment means that it is not just domestic investors who
want a piece of the action, according to MCP’s Yamashita. “Just
like private equity (buyout) space, venture markets will provide
tremendous opportunity for foreign investors,” he said.
In 2022, funding from Japanese startups was about $7 billion.
“The [Japan] government announced a five-year development plan
for startups and wants to increase funding by 10 times by
2027…and they need to attract foreign capital,” he continued.
Sectors in play include not just Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) but
also, robotics, agritech, intellectual property, and
“Lots of foreign wealth managers and family offices are showing a
growing interest in the Japanese venture sector but they lack
access to the market,” Yamashita said.
Given the changes to Japanese corporate governance and other
reforms, there should certainly be opportunities arising in the
next three to five years. As far as venture capital as an
industry goes, Japan is probably about 10 to 15 years behind
where Silicon Valley has been, he said.
As an area requiring “patient capital,” Japan would seem ripe for
family offices’ attention. There isn’t a particularly large
family offices sector in the country, although a few names come
up, such as Hidaka Family Office, based in Tokyo, which invests
in areas including VC and private equity (source:
Pitchbook). According to the Highworth Research database, with
which this news service is an exclusive media partner, Japanese
family offices include Terrasias Capital, based in Tokyo, which
is run by the Nilsson family. Home also to a complex ecosystem of
life insurance and pension plans looking for yield, Japan has
plenty of potential buyside interest in areas such as VC, it
would appear.
With VC rising in size – and profile – in Japan, Yamashita said
people from investment banks, private equities and consulting
backgrounds are transitioning into this space.
This development has also made MCP want to educate and inform the
market about the possibilities.
“We closely communicate and educate local investors (LPs) and
portfolio companies so that they can look at things from a global
standpoint. I believe this is one of MCP’s strengths as we have a
global network while understanding what’s lacking in local
communities,” Yamashita added.