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Verso IM Launches Verso Private Client
Amanda Cheesley
23 July 2024
, the fund management arm of the Verso Wealth Group, has appointed James Robertson (pictured) as client director of its new investment service, Verso Private Client. Roberston has over 30 years of experience in private client portfolio management. He is joining from Brown Shipley where he spent 25 years advising private clients on their investments and managing their portfolios, the firm said in a statement Verso Private Client is Verso’s new investment service, which was launched earlier this month for high net worth individuals. The VPC service combines the skills of Verso’s research team with Roberston’s expertise in developing investment portfolios and personalised investment solutions. Roberston’s appointment is the latest in a series of additions to Verso’s investment team and investment range, all part of a strategy to broaden its investment offering to meet the needs of its clients and advisors, the firm continued. Jack Byerley joined a year ago to manage Verso’s collective portfolio service, the cornerstone of Verso’s investment range, which celebrated its first anniversary in May with 13 of its 14 funds outperforming their investment association benchmarks. Earlier this year, Tim Cockerill joined as investment strategy director, with the remit to develop Verso's investment proposition and to build a broader range of services to meet the investment requirements and risk appetites of Verso's clients and advisors. “Over the last 18 months, we have worked with our advisors to evaluate our clients’ medium and long-term investment requirements. Where we have found gaps in our offering, we have hired the best talent to develop and enhance our investment range,” Rory Smith, Verso’s chief investment officer, said. “The demand for this tailored approach has never been greater, particularly among younger investors and other recent beneficiaries of intergenerational wealth, who appreciate the greater levels of support and advice when defining their investment goals.” Verso Investment Management, part of the Verso Group, provides its clients – private clients, trusts and pension funds – with a range of collective and discretionary investment management services. Based in London with a team of about 20 investment and operations professionals, it has assets under management in excess of £650 million ($840 million).