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Cross-Border Complexity, Red Tape Intensify Need For Wealth Fixes - Lombard
![Cross-Border Complexity, Red Tape Intensify Need For Wealth Fixes - Lombard](
The idea of red tape actually simplifying the task of wealth management is given short shrift by the firm, while it reflects on how cross-border and inter-generational wealth transfer issues help to drive its business.
Rising levels of red tape in financial services and cross-border affairs of wealthy individuals put a premium on advisors able to come up with smart solutions.
And a player arguing that it is able to handle the job is US/Luxembourg-headquartered Lombard International Assurance. Although some might argue regulations have chopped out some products and services and created a simpler industry, Jurgen Vanhoenacker argued recently that new rules such as MiFID II and the European Union’s data protection rules add to complexity.
“I haven’t seen any regulation at my time at Lombard
International that has simplified work,” Vanhoenacker told
this publication in a recent interview.
“In our industry, we have a number of smaller or mid-sized
players who I think will really struggle with this increased cost
of regulation. Operational costs are being pushed up. The
pressure on the margin in the business is only getting bigger. At
Lombard, we need to constantly have people and systems internally
and externally keeping an eye on what is happening in the
background on a regulatory perspective, and also integrate it as
well with all the operational processes (e.g. admin and
reporting),” he continued.
Regulatory changes have increased financial institutions’ costs,
not made them more efficient, so data suggests. According to a
2017 Duff & Phelps report, regulatory costs could more than
double over the next five years. The report found firms typically
spend four per cent of their total revenue on compliance, but
that could rise to 10 per cent by 2022. In 2017, Boston
Consulting Group said that pre-tax margins at global wealth
managers had fallen from 33 basis points in 2007 to 22.4bp in
2016, which is due to compliance costs.
“Being a sales director and head of wealth structuring, I above
all need to make sure I can integrating these new regulations
into the business development and sales process. Concrete impact
is very often the increased number of documents to explain and
sign, additional verifications to make, and controls on our
partners and clients,” Vanhoenacker said. “At the same time, we
like to maintain an excellent customer experience. This is
sometimes proving difficult with the new regulations coming in,
but there are ways to do that and digitalisation is a great
opportunity here,” he said.
The list of rules on Lombard’s table is long this
year. Vanhoenacker said its regulatory chores include
Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs),
which are designed to make investment products easy to compare
and more transparent via the issue of a standardised short form
disclosure document. The Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD),
in another case, aims to ensure consistent prudential standards
for intermediaries as well as raise conduct standards, improve
consumer protection and effective competition. General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective from 25 May, is supposed
to put citizens back in charge of their personal data and to
unify data regulation within the European Union.
Cross-border banking
As the world continues to become globalised, the standard high
net worth and ultra-high net worth client starts to become a
complicated international wealth holders.
According to Scorpio
Partnership, the consultancy, 41 per cent of high net worth
clients have children, who relocated to study, work or live, and
23 per cent of HNW clients have relocated in the past 15 years to
live or work.
Whether it is relatives such as children based thousands of miles
away, or having property in different locations around the world,
international affairs can create wrinkles that need ironing out
for HNW and UHNW individuals. Vanhoenacker discussed the issues
surrounding international clients.
“Many of our HNW clients by the nature have a cross-border
reality whether this is from a family, business or wealth
perspective,” said Vanhoenacker. “And some of them are not
conscious as to the issues of having wealth and assets covering
multiple jurisdictions,” he said.
“At the same time, there is still a certain degree of unawareness
to the events when the principal client may no longer be around,
and what will happen with these assets in terms of protection and
transfer to the next generation. There is still a fair bit of
education that needs to be done in the advisory community with
these people. I don’t think many of these people have realised
yet the full ramifications of globalised wealth, and there is
still a huge amount of opportunity for advisory firms to help
these clients on the learning curve on what they need or can to
do,” he said.
“Most advisors are still very focused on one particular
jurisdiction, and not many see the issues of cross-border. This
creates an opportunity for a firm like Lombard International. It
is challenging for a high net worth person holding wealth in
multiple jurisdictions, and it ultimately means that these assets
need to be subject to different pieces of legislation, whether
it’s reporting, tax or inheritance provisions,” Vanhoenacker
“These make it quite complicated. We do have clients who try and
consolidate their assets across multiple jurisdictions, we have
clients who want to preserve the geographical diversification but
want a more effective planning. It also depends on the type of
assets (e.g. bank accounts or equities), banking may be a little
easier than real estate across three or four different
countries,” he said.
Lombard International Assurance is one of a handful of firms that
use insurance-based wealth structuring products to protect
assets, sometimes in a way that is effective across borders, with
examples such as private placement life insurance. This
publication has in recent years spoken to this firm, along with
the likes of Vie and
Swiss Life, about
the role insurance should play in the wealth
managers’ toolbox. PPLI has been defined as products
blending a life insurance policy with a separately managed
investment portfolio. As such, they can be useful to high net
worth individuals who want more sophisticated structures; the
insurance structure comes with various tax advantages (these vary
depending on jurisdictions); income and capital gains will accrue
free from tax and the death benefit is not subject to inheritance
or estate tax. PPLI policies may in certain circumstances allow
policyholders some access to their capital within the fund while
they are alive.
Wealth transfer
The wealth transfer is repeatedly a topic of conversation within
the sector, as a reported $30 trillion is set to move from the
older generations to the younger generations.
This means families and clients will have to plan for the
generational shift. However, during its Wealth Transfer
Report 2017, RBC Wealth
Management found only 54 per cent of clients have a
will, 32 per cent have done nothing so far, and 26 per cent have
a full plan in place.
It pays to act early on wealth planning, Vanhoenacker said.
“I would say one golden rule on planning for wealth transfer,
from my experience, is to start as early as possible,” said
Vanhoenacker. “We still do come across a number of cases each
year where the patriarchy starts way too late with the succession
planning. And they end up chasing the impossible. The sooner they
start planning for it and reflecting on the wealth structure, and
in the event they won’t be there, the sooner we can assess
whether we can provide a solution or not for these people,” he
“But overall too many start too late i.e. they only start that
thinking in their sixties or even seventies. If you are a
successful business person, and for instance you have children
abroad or you invest in a real estate project in another place,
as of that moment you should trigger a thinking process of what
should happen in the event that you are no longer there.
Sometimes there is a bit of culture issue as well.
Saying to a wealthy 70 year-old entrepreneur in one country that
they may die is sometimes a bit more challenging than to go to a
young entrepreneur in another country where culturally this topic
is much more open for that type of discussion.”
Ready to inherit
There has been discussion on whether the next generation are
ready to inherit such large quantities of wealth.
In RBC WM’s 2017 report, it found that 27 per cent of
respondents did not think inheritors were ready for the money.
This was a recurring theme during a UBS report in February
2018, which found 21 per cent of business owners thought
their family members were not qualified to take over the
business. And in 2012, a study by the National Endowment for
Financial Education in the US said only eight per cent of
Millennials had extensive financial knowledge.
The head of wealth structuring discussed how mature one should be
when inheriting a large amount of money.
“There’s obviously an element of how mature you are as a person
to receive significant wealth as part of an inheritance,”
Vanhoenacker said. “And again what is significant for one may not
be the same for the other. It depends on age, background,
education and family values. That’s the most important issue. You
have these classic stories of people having inherited a lot of
money, who don’t stay with us and we hear five years later that
the money is gone. This again is a key concern of some of our
clients, how they can protect their wealth for future
generations. There may be options that allow the money to be
transferred depending on a number of criteria, and even sometimes
we have seen the patriarch skip a generation because their
children have already been taken care of, and the client wants
the grandchildren to have the wealth,” he said.
Tax crackdown
So-called tax havens have been under pressure, with the Panama
Papers and Paradise Papers leaks keeping certain jurisdictions in
the public eye – to the dismay of some practitioners worried
about protections of legitimate privacy.
As an example of the pressure, in July 2017, HMRC, the UK tax
authority, said it had collected a record £29 billion from its
crackdown on tax evasion and avoidance and organised crime. And
in October, HMRC said it defeated a tax avoidance scheme used
by wealthy individuals to reduce their tax bills, which the
department expects to protect £325 million ($456 million) in
unpaid tax.
With this crackdown continuing, Vanhoenacker discussed whether
the authorities’ net closing on tax havens and loopholes will
seize to exist in the future.
“I think the trend will only continue,” said Vanhoenacker. “Some
may believe that at one stage governments or tax authorities will
calm down and be flexible, but I don’t think this will never
happen again. We all know the big demographic challenges in terms
of pensions and fair taxes. Also, the public opinion, and for the
right reasons, keep the pressure on the governments to continue
with that process,” he said.
“This is in essence a positive element. In a transparent world,
you really need to bring the expertise to the table to really
work on a fully compliant plan for some of these high net worth
individuals so they can do the right thing for the right reasons.
Many people have regularised their financial affairs because they
realised the world has changed and now are reaching out to
Lombard International for proper and legitimate wealth planning
solutions,” he added.