Fund Management
Insurance Rises As Driver Of Fund Sales In Asia Ex-Japan - Study
Banks dominate this market but insurance firms offer a new conduit for fund distributors, says Cerulli.
Insurance is becoming more of a driver for distributing funds in
the Asia outside of Japan, with assets under management rising in
recent years to $113.7 billion by the end of last year,
accounting for 5.9 per cent of the total, and suggesting further
potential growth, a report said.
Such assets posted an annual growth rate of 23.4 per cent between
2012 and 2016, Cerulli
Associates, the analytics firm, said. This gain was behind
only independent financial advisors/platforms' rapid ascent rate
of 154.0 per cent - which grew from a low base, and is skewed by
China's sales of funds through e-commerce sites--and direct/tied
agents' 36.3 per cent increase.
Future investment-linked product may be driven by how ILPs pass
liabilities to policyholders and create a smaller burden on
insurers’ balance sheets compared to conventional savings-type
and protection products, the organisation said.
For fund houses, insurers are attractive as a distribution
channel, ranking consistently among the top three or four
channels managers are keen to tap into. Banks continue to
dominate the scene, but insurers are seen as adding a new route.