WM Market Reports
Winning Women In Asia-Pacific - Two Leaders Speak
This publication takes a walk around the topic of how women are gaining power as earners, creators and stewards of wealth. We talk to VP Bank Ltd Singapore Branch and Hywin Wealth. The firms are research partners to our latest report.
No institution can afford to ignore the burgeoning power of women
as earners, creators and stewards of wealth. The imperative is
even more urgent for wealth managers in the dynamic Asia-Pacific
region as the baton is passed to the next generation of empowered
Here, we get a high-level view of this topic from Reto Marx, head
of Intermediaries and Private Banking, VP Bank Ltd Singapore
Branch, and Madame Wang Dian, CEO of Hywin Wealth, research
partners for
our latest report, Winning Women in Asia-Pacific:
Insights for wealth managers direct from female
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bottom of this article.
WBA: How would you characterise the women’s wealth
management scene in Asia-Pacific currently and how do you see it
developing in the near term?
Madame Wang Dian: “The wealth management
industry in Asia, traditionally, worked around a matriarch
prototype - often characterised by humble roots, fascinating
successes in empire building, extensive and sometimes intricate
clan dynamics, and suggestions of letting go and passing the
baton being brushed aside.
“Such prototypes still hold true today, for many clients, but not
for all of them. The great socio-economic progress made by Asian
economies in the past three decades meant diversity in clients,
which requires a diversity of approaches.
“As women assume leadership roles in industry and commerce, and
take driving seats in the affairs of many dynastic families, the
classic positioning of wealth managers as ‘humble servant’ should
be complemented with ‘loyal regent’, as women look to their
wealth managers for true partnership, stronger empathy, and a
calibrated ‘devil’s advocate’.
“Professional services firms will increasingly reorient their
mindsets and services towards women clients, not as
‘Oh-don’t-forget-the-daughter’ tinkering, but as part of the
broader effort to acknowledge and serve all stakeholders in the
wealth eco-system.”
Reto Marx: “Having spent two decades in Asia and
experiencing its culture, I do support Mdm Wang’s views. In my
experience, wealth management (as compared with the affluent or
retail segments) has generally been characterised as male
dominant. Over the years, women in wealth management have been
growing steadily in influence and economic clout, and the same
applies for their leadership within the corporate
“Wealth management institutions will inevitably need to give more
attention to these female investors, recognising their values and
motivations to ensure they are adequately served. Through this
report, we hope to further deepen the industry’s stakeholders’
understanding of the importance of women’s drivers to provide
more tailored and holistic wealth management advice.”
WBA: Female entrepreneurs are a force to be reckoned with
in Asia-Pacific, but they do still face challenges. How can
wealth managers help women overcome them and power-up their
Madame Wang Dian: “Women entrepreneurs are
actually well placed to thrive in Asia’s commercial world. The
symbiosis between business and community, the importance of
bringing everyone on board, the criticality of details, and the
open mind to hear different views before forming one’s own -
these attributes underlie many of the entrepreneurial success
stories in Asia.
“Meanwhile, women do face challenges: how to talk to a capital
market which is in another jurisdiction, how to embrace tech with
shrewd investments into the right option, how to reconcile the
clashing claims by stakeholders when a company reaches a certain
stage of size and success, and how to take tough decisions
quickly when the world moves abruptly and unexpectedly. The list
goes on.
“To help women clients handle these challenges, the ‘loyal
regent’ is probably the right model, whereby the wealth managers
must do more thinking from the ‘principal’ perspective, assume
more ownership, align in-house resources for a journey, not
merely for tasks, and not just listen, but speak emphatically and
candidly, to offer guidance over an extended period of time, and
never shy away from hard work and complexity.”
Reto Marx: “It is essential to recognise
diversity and differences and, regardless of gender, adopt a
personalised approach to cater to each client’s individual needs
and priorities. It is about being really client-focused and
playing an active and listening ear to them. By listening
carefully, wealth managers can become a great sparring-partner
beyond just financial advice, helping women gain more financial
confidence and realise a stronger sense of empowerment.”
WBA: How do you see women’s role in driving the ESG
agenda and do you think the pandemic will accelerate change? Are
female family members pushing this agenda at the UHNW
Madame Wang Dian: “In my view, ESG is
fundamentally about balancing and looking after all stakeholders.
The pandemic, seismic and tragic, has reminded all of us that the
world is immensely interconnected and human welfare indeed
transcends GDP, profits, and merely ‘fairer cutting of the
“Women, by instinct, take a holistic view of the family and
community’s interests, now and in the future. This broader
purview makes women ideal champions for ESG causes.
“In my daily conversations with UHNW clients, I have seen female
members take the lead in understanding ESG issues, seeking
remedial ideas, and - when investment decisions are being
discussed - bringing the ESG angles into discussions. ESG is not
and should not be portfolio filters or thematic overlays, but a
re-ordering of our pursuits. This elevation is to a very large
extent powered by women.”
Reto Marx: “While ESG is establishing itself on
the agenda of Asian investors these days, the historical norm of
women playing a more nurturing role and harnessing greater
interest in doing good, and applying values to their financial
decisions, is really driving the ESG agenda.
“Before the crisis, demand and interest in sustainable investing
were gaining traction. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the
intensifying threats of environmental and climate-related risks,
and further exposed inequality issues such as income. Our
interactions with clients suggest the growing trend in ESG could
also be significantly bolstered due to women gaining access to
and accruing more wealth, and wanting to invest into financial
opportunities that align with their values. For instance, VP Bank
Group’s head of sustainability is female too, and well versed in
impact solutions.”
WBA: VP Bank and Hywin Wealth both have
strong female representation in their workforces. What has been
your approach to building this and what benefits do you
Madame Wang Dian: “Both Hywin Wealth and VP Bank
are meritocratic organisations. Our respect for diversity,
promotion of heterogeneity, and the accommodating and adaptive
organisational cultures all make it possible for talented women
to advance and triumph.
“Meanwhile, wealth managers are meant to be the bridge between
clarity and ambiguity, facts and sentiments, certainty and
fluidity; unsurprisingly, women are well equipped to master these
paradoxes. At Hywin and VP Bank, I have seen female RMs and
specialists solve complex problems for clients with finesse, and
female leaders exert a warm, empowering influence on their
Reto Marx: “It is widely agreed that gender
diversity can lead to a more prudent approach in decision-making,
increase productivity and as a result improve corporate
performance. A more diversified workforce can also mean better
skills in problem solving and the creation of more innovative
ideas and solutions for our clients.
“Both VP Bank and Hywin Wealth are likeminded and committed to
inclusion and diversity. We believe embracing diversity
encourages a more open exchange of ideas. Female advisors have a
unique ability to connect with clients and develop strong
relationships that are based on trust, which has proven
beneficial to clients. What matters is the advisor's ability to
understand and respond to clients’ needs by creating a unique
client experience to drive success.”
WBA: Do you see any sub-segments of women as particularly
in need of thought-leadership around wealth management, or any
particular issues to be highlighted?
Madame Wang Dian: “One thing I have noticed is that, to
some female beneficiaries of large family trusts, the yearly
distribution, exactly because of its pre-ordained nature, could
feel formulaic, and very impersonal. Especially when the older
generation is no longer around, the inspiration, guidance, and
recognition of achievements may be sorely missing. That’s why
Hywin is increasingly setting up ‘the council of regents’ for
family trusts, as the distribution committee and more importantly
as a gathering of trusted seniors who take genuine interest in
the wellbeing of the young generations, and work as a coach and
mentor for them.
“Also, some female directors joining the boards of large
companies can feel a bit disoriented at the beginning. How to
understand the onerous obligations, how to hold the management
accountable, how to chair sub-committees, and how to interact
with advisors are all weighty questions. Wealth managers, being
large and sometimes listed companies themselves, are very well
positioned to enlighten and advise.”
Reto Marx: “We have made similar observations on
our front. Regardless, women have made incredible strides,
professionally, financially, and personally. In general, women
are adept at financial empowerment when it comes to wealth
matters through active participation in financial decisions. At
VP Bank, we believe in equipping them with the right tools and
digital services to ensure that every point of their wealth
management journey goes safely.”
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