News, Comment & Analysis results for Calculus Capital
GUEST ARTICLE: Changes To UK's Enterprise Investment Schemes, Venture Capital Trusts - A Guide
There have been rule changes to how EIS and VCT structures work. This article explains the new...
EXCLUSIVE: The Evolving World Of The UK's Enterprise Investment Schemes - Part 2
This is the second in a series of articles written about the theme of UK Enterprise Investment...
EXCLUSIVE GUEST OPINION: Tax Avoidance - Don't Throw Out The Good With The Bad - Calculus Capital
In the heated climate of debate about tax avoidance, it is easy to forget that some forms of...
UK Private Equity Boutique Adds Investment Director
Calculus Capital, the UK-based private equity specialist catering to individuals, has appointed...
GUEST COMMENT: Don't Wait For Year-End - Invest In EIS Funds Now, Says Calculus Capital
Susan McDonald, chairman of Calculus Capital, explains why her firm has seen a rise in EIS...
Calculus Capital Rolls Out New EIS Fund Ahead Of Schedule, Cites Heavy Demand
Calculus To Launch New EIS Fund