FIN-FSA imposes three fines for delays in disclosure of major shareholdings
Chris Hamblin, Editor, London, 11 March 2015
The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has imposed administrative fines on Kauppahuone Laakkonen Oy, Rakennusmestarien Säätiö and Sp-Rahastoyhtiö Oy (Sp-Fund Management Company Ltd) for failure to comply with the obligation to disclose major shareholdings, as laid down in the Securities Markets Act (746/2012).
The firms are being fined for not disclosing significant holdings and voting rights within the deadline stipulated in chap9 s9 subs1 Securities Markets Act. Kauppahuone Laakkonen Oy is to pay €10,000, Rakennusmestarien Säätiö €5,000 and Sp-Rahastoyhtiö Oy €20,000.
The rationale behind the valuation of the fines comes from s38 Financial Supervisory Authority Act (878/2008), but the regulator is nonetheless saying that its decisions to impose fines are not yet legally binding.