Compliance expertise to the fore at Control Risks in Asia
Chris Hamblin, Editor, London, 1 April 2015
Control Risks, the spy firm that advises customers about compliance, has announced the appointment of Mavis Tan and Simon Blade as senior managing directors in its forensic investigations, compliance and insolvency practice in Hong Kong.
These appointments are in response to growing market demand for specialist knowledge in complex cases of fraud, financial disputes and corruption, including investigations to do with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and compliance audits.
Between them, the pair have more than 35 years' experience in forensic accounting, litigation support and insolvency. They have given expert testimony in a number of criminal and commercial matters involving corruption, fraud, asset-tracing and company valuations. Control Risks seems to have poached them from FTI Consulting. Joining them will be a multi-skilled team of professionals with extensive experience of assisting multinationals and private clients with pre-transaction due-diligence and post-acquisition compliance issues, shareholder disputes and whistle-blower allegations.
The pair's skills and experience augment the 'spook' firm's substantial forensics and compliance teams in Shanghai and its e-discovery business in Hong Kong. They help C-suite executives make crucial decisions when faced with complex compliance and investigations issues. Multinational security organisations have been on the rise in the past 20 years and Control Risks is one of the most prestigious.